The Collect for the Second Sunday of Advent
Merciful God, who sent your
messengers the prophets to preach repentance and prepare the way for our salvation:
Give us grace to heed their warnings and forsake our sins, that we may greet
with joy the coming of Jesus Christ our Redeemer; who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
One of the more interesting
things about Christians is that we are a people of paradox.
A seemingly absurd statement that
turns out to be true. Like a baby born in a stable who
is a king.
That’s only the beginning of the
paradoxes for us.
You and I still practice one of
the best every Sunday morning as we read the scriptures and respond to them. The Word of the Lord, one says, to which we
all respond, “Thanks be to God!” Or
The Gospel of the Lord, and then we all say “Praise to you, Lord Christ.”
We say those things when often
the lessons are not about things we would be thankful for, or praising for, if
we were brutally honest.
This morning that’s the situation
about John. You don’t have to know much
to know that this brief pericope about John is only the beginning of a horrible
end for him. A tyrannical ruler,
besotted with women, caves in to the demands of an Ancient Near East Lolita and
has John executed – for what? Telling
the truth.
I am not thankful about that, nor
do I praise God for it.
But that is the life of a
prophet. Thankless, praiseless. No one wanting to hear your words. No matter how life-giving or beneficial those
words might be.
Some of you are prophets and I
bet you don’t realize it.
Perhaps you work now or have
worked with children who have few others to speak for them.
Perhaps you are one who listens
to sick folks when no one else does and keeps them company as they journey
though illness.
Perhaps you, in the routine of
your day, see that simple justice is done by keeping faith and standards in a
world where honesty and integrity are often completely forgotten.
Those are only a few examples.
You don’t have to be a John or an
Isaiah to tell the world it needs to change.
I read an interesting comment
this week, that before we can identify sin, or where the world is apart from
the will of God, we have to have known a place where the world is striving to
do the will of God.
You can honestly say, “This is
not the way things are supposed to be.”
Because you have both an innate
sense and a cultivated sense of how things ought to be.
But it’s hard to be the one who
speaks out when others are happy to just go along.
Martin Luther King was one. When he was jailed in Birmingham in the early
1960’s for one of the marches, did you know that a number of prominent
Birmingham ministers, including some Episcopal ones, wrote him a letter asking
him to wait? They wanted him to wait a
bit longer, they said this was not the time.
“Not right now, Martin, not right now.”
And King’s response, Letter from
a Birmingham Jail, asks the question, “How
long?” How long do we wait for justice
in the face of injustice? One thousand
years? One hundred years? Or one year?
Unfortunately, examples like
Martin Luther King are often only examples because something makes them bigger
than life – and often that something is death.
There are many other lesser known
prophets toiling in our community, in our country, in the world, seeking to
make the world into the place where they know “This IS the way it should be.”
Where children are honored for
being people, and not just another mouth, impossible to feed. Where people actually have a vote that truly
gives them a voice in the government they live under. Where a hand reaching up for aid, meets a
hand reaching down to help pull you out of the muck of a disaster.
Knowing what life is like, and
what it should be like requires change.
And someone to lead the change.
Metanoia is the technical term
for that change. It’s described as a 180
degree turn-around in one’s life,
a change from what you were to
what you will be.
But we all must be the prophets
who say, no, really, shout, “Here is the place where change is needed.” “Here is the place where God is leading us
all to be.” And we’re not there yet.
For you can turn around 180 degrees and still
be walking in the wrong direction.
It is only by listening to the
prophets among us and to God in the midst of us that we can find the right
direction. As one of the Eastern wise
men has said, you must be the change you wish to see.
But how will we get there? My friends, we don’t get to the world Jesus described
by sitting here in our comfort and on our comfort!
Another paradox is that ours is a
faith of coming – and going. Coming together to be refreshed, to be fed in the
scriptures, and then going to do the work we have been given to do.
What work? To love God and to love our neighbor as we
love God. To see that our neighbor’s needs are met as if our neighbor were
Christ himself. And to do mercy in the
name of God, wherever we find it lacking.
Another paradox is that we may
occasionally find ourselves on the wrong road, as we seek to follow Jesus. But the flip side of that paradox, is that if
we are really trying to find Jesus, we have an internal self-correcting compass,
found in our baptismal covenant, that will get us back on the right road.
The road that leads to life, not
As we prayed today, “Give us grace to heed the warnings and
forsake our sins, that we may greet with joy the coming of Jesus Christ our
Redeemer.” AMEN.
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